Hydrate throughout your day, not just after a run. Get in the habit of sipping water continuously during the day and you will feel better on strenuous runs.
If you are heading out for a run that will last a few hours, take food with you and eat at least every hour, whether you feel like it or not.
Carrying water on a long run is uncomfortable for some people. Another option is to take a couple dollars in cash in your shoe or a pocket. Choose a route that passes by a convenience store, and make a pit stop to buy a sports drink or a bottle of water. This will also give you a chance to use the bathroom if necessary.
Leading up to long runs, avoid spicy or settling foods for about 24 hours prior.
The hour after you finish a long run is crucial to your recovery. Eat and drink sufficiently immediately following your run to bounce back quickly.
You’ve probably heard that dairy products are high in fat and should be limited if you want to lose weight. Well, this is only a half-true. While milk and cheese can be really fatty, they also contain protein, calcium, zinc and B vitamins. Many dairy products are also enriched in Vitamin D that helps us to absorb calcium. Several studies have proven that children who drink milk every day are less likely to have excess weight. So, how can you find the balance between limiting dairy fat and having access to the minerals and nutrients that are contained in milk? The answer is, as you have probably guessed, opt for low-fat options. They are as rich in calcium as regular dairy products, but they contain less fat. Today it’s easy to find low fat milk, yoghurt and cheese. Also pay attention to labels and avoid products high in sugar, such as flavored yoghurt.
According to dietitians, it’s recommended that you consume 3 servings of dairy products per day. A serving equals to a glass (8 oz)of milk, a tube of yoghurt or 2 slices of cheese.
What is the best calorie-free beverage you can drink to lose weight that you already have in your kitchen? Of course, it’s water. Numerous studies have found a connection between drinking water and losing weight. How does it work? After drinking water, your body automatically burns 25% more calories while resting. Drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal makes you feel less hungry and, consequently, you don’t overeat and generally eat less during a meal. Please note that sipping water during a meal can lead to problems with digestion. So how much water do you need to drink? The general recommendation is 8-oz glasses of water (about 2 liters) per day. People who exercise more, stay awake long, have to work long hours may need to drink more. If you find that 8 glasses is too much, make sure that you always drink when you’re thirsty. It’s also a good tip to start a day with a glass of water and drink a glass 30 minutes before every meal. If you feel tired, have a headache or find it hard to concentrate, you may be dehydrated. Regular water intake can help you avoid these unpleasant symptoms.
Water is perfect – calorie-free, available and healthy. But what if you’re one of those people who cannot drink pure water? The first tip here is to add something to make it tasty. Lemon, strawberry, cucumber, mint – there are lots of delicious and healthy options that will turn pure water into a delicious drink. If you can’t stand warm water, add ice. It will make your body burn even more calories to heat it. Other options includeherbal tea, black coffee, and mineral water. However, as tea and coffee contain caffeine, they, in turn can cause dehydration. So if you drink a cup of black coffee (no sugar, of course!) you need to accompany it with a glass of water.
We’ve already found out that water, tea and coffee are our best options when it comes to drinks. But what about those drinks we need to avoid? The main idea here is the following: we need calories to have energy and not feel hungry. The calories that we drink don’t make us feel full, so why have them? Here are a few examples: a fancy coffee drink with milk and whipped cream can contain up to 800 kilocalories, one glass of soda drink – about 140 kilocalories (multiply it by 3 when you drink 3 glasses to get a better idea of what you actually consume). You are now loaded with calories, at you are still hungry. Additionally, due to high sugar levels in most of such drinks, you will most likely overeat afterwards. So, it is important to watch what you drinkAvoid fancy coffee drinks and replace them with black coffee or espresso. Say NO to soda drinks – diet soda included. Diet soda contains artificial sweeteners. Be careful with energy drinks. While it’s better to avoid them, you may also choose low-calorie ones and limit their use. One drink that isn’t that obvious is fruit smoothies and juices. While they seem like they should be healthy, they aren’t as healthy as you may think. While a smoothie is a healthy drink, it’s also packed with calories. As for fruit juices, the ones that you buy in a store are packed with sugar. Unlike actual fruits, they don’t fill you up. Instead of having a glass of juice, eat an actual fruit – you’ll satisfy your sweet tooth, have a snack and get some vitamins, minerals and fiber in for the day.
Sugar is one of the main enemies to your health and weight loss journey. It doesn’t contain any useful nutrients and it is linked to a number of health conditions, including diabetes and certain cancers. It is important to note that lots of foods, such as fruits, contain natural sugar. This doesn’t mean that they should be avoided since they also deliver vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The enemy here is added sugar and our mission is to cut down on its consumption.An average American consumes 22 teaspoons of added sugar daily, while the recommended amount is about 6 teaspoons for women and 9 teaspoons for men. Main sources of added sugar are liquid calories from soda, energy and sports drinks, breakfast cereals, and pastries, such as cakes, pies and cookies. As manufacturers are smart, they don’t simply write on a label of a soda drink or a pie that it contains significant amounts of added sugar. They use various names for sugar and usually list lots of ingredients that are very similar – added sugar: brown sugar, corn syrup, maple syrup, honey, fructose, maltose, etc
Check the labels and avoid products with added sugar. Of course, we know it can be hard to refuse drinking your daily cans of cola or eating your favorite desert after dinner, as sugar is very addictive. Start slowly – first refuse just 1 can of cola and 1 desert a day, then move forward until you minimize added sugar in your diet.
What should you do? Be moderate and don’t overdrink. One or two glasses of wine won’t do you any harm, but regular drinking can lead to various problems, the majority of which are much more serious than extra weight. When you are at a party, choose low calorie drinks. Remember, that one Piña Colada can equal to a whole meal if to count calories. Be careful with food. It’s better to have a good meal before going to a party. If you arehungry, alcohol will have a quicker effect on you and you’ll be more likely to overindulge in unhealthy snacks.
Glycemic index is a useful tool that we can use to control our diet. It was first introduced to help people with diabetes, but can serve for all people who want to avoid diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems and have a healthy diet. While there are no studies confirming that low-GI diet leads to substantial weight loss, combining knowledge about glycemic index of certain foods with everything that we already know about fats, carbs and protein can improve your diet significantly. Glycemic index ranks all foods based on how much they raise blood sugar level. In this rank, glucoseis given 100. High-GI foods rank 70 or higher and include white bread, potatoes, white rice, soda drinks, crackers (all familiar, huh?). Medium-GI products score from 59 to 69, these include grapes, bananas, spaghetti, corn and others. And low-GI foods that rank 55 and lower are most fruits, oatmeal, peas, carrot, etc. You can find the full list over the Internet.What should you do with this list? Include more carbs with a low glycemic index in your diet and cut down on high-GI foods. It’s not as simple as it sounds. Try to add low-GI products to any meal. Additionally, if you are thinking about buying a low-GI food, check out how much fat it contains – in a number of cases it would be better to choose a higher-GI equivalent but with less fat and more protein.
Superfoods are products extremely rich in vitamins and nutrients that protect us from diseases, give us energy and… assist in weight loss! What are those wonderful foods that every person who wants to stay healthy and fit should eat on a regular basis? Let’s divide superfoods into a few groups. Among fruits and veggies, the best options are bananas, avocados, grapefruits, oranges, broccoli, beans and kale. Salmon and sardines are perfect sources of protein and essential fatty acids. The best options when it comes to complex carbs are oats,
barley and quinoa. And of course, we cannot talk about superfoods and not mention nuts and seeds, such as almonds, chia, flax seeds and pistachios. Include these products into your diet on a regular basis, and you’ll get a lot of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants from food.
barley and quinoa. And of course, we cannot talk about superfoods and not mention nuts and seeds, such as almonds, chia, flax seeds and pistachios. Include these products into your diet on a regular basis, and you’ll get a lot of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants from food.
10.Food to avoid
Although we need protein, fat and carbs daily, and we don’t urge you to cut down on any of these macronutrients, there are certain foods and drinks that are to be avoided completely if you want to stay healthy and lose weight. Of course, it may not be easy at the beginning, but as soon as you start replacing these health-limiting products with healthy options, you’ll feel how delicious your meals are and won’t go back to them.
Steer away from stick margarine that is packed with trans fats. Avoid any over-processed foods – pastry, cheese and meat. Homemade baked goods and regular meat and cheese can be quite good every once in a while, but processed goods are packed with sugar and lots of unhealthy ingredients that are harmful for your health. Soda and fancy coffee drinks can contain as many calories as a normal meal with the only exception that they won’t make you feel full. Such drinks are to be avoided at all costs. Most fast food products are to be avoided too, but we’re sure that you know that. A good rule to remember to successfully stay away from processed food if the following: stick to the food that doesn’t need an ingredients list because the food IS the ingredient.
Steer away from stick margarine that is packed with trans fats. Avoid any over-processed foods – pastry, cheese and meat. Homemade baked goods and regular meat and cheese can be quite good every once in a while, but processed goods are packed with sugar and lots of unhealthy ingredients that are harmful for your health. Soda and fancy coffee drinks can contain as many calories as a normal meal with the only exception that they won’t make you feel full. Such drinks are to be avoided at all costs. Most fast food products are to be avoided too, but we’re sure that you know that. A good rule to remember to successfully stay away from processed food if the following: stick to the food that doesn’t need an ingredients list because the food IS the ingredient.
11.Useful tricks
Yeah, yeah, we’ve been talking a lot about counting calories and a sticking to a well-balanced diet. But there are a few simple tricks that will make your weight loss journey much easier. Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before each meal – it will help you stay hydrated and feel fuller so you will and eat less. Drink coffee and green tea. These wonderful beverages are not only almost calorie-free, but they are also known for their metabolism-boosting and fat-burning qualities. It’s not always easy to limit your portions when you eat a delicious meal. There’s a smart trick for these cases – use smaller plates. Sounds weird, but it helps to control portion size even without realizing it. Include more spicy food into your diet – cayenne pepper reduces your appetite and boosts metabolism… just what we are looking for! Also, do your best to start chewing slowly. That will give your brain enough time to send your body signals that trigger the feeling of fullness. And one more tip – get enough sleep. Are you wondering how sleep is connected to weight loss? In fact, lack of sleep is one of the main factors leading to obesity. So if you want all your exercise and healthy eating to pay off, you’d better sleep well at night.
You have probably heard that you need to eat multiple servings of fruits daily. An apple a day keeps a doctor away, as they say. It not only keeps a doctor away, but it also helps you to lose weight. Fruits are great for your health, as they are good sources of micronutrients and fiber. Eating fruits on a daily basis prevents certain cancers, improves digestion and normalizes blood sugar level, so you feel less hungry and, in turn, eat less. It is recommended to eat about 5 servings of fruits a day, where one serving isequal to 1 apple, or 2 kiwis or a cup of berries. There are a variety of fruits in every supermarket, so opt for different colors and tastes so as not to get bored. Try green, yellow, orange and red fruits to consume a variety of vitamins and minerals. It’s better to eat fresh fruit, but you can also add dried fruits or frozen fruits to your oatmeal or yoghurt. Take a few cherries and an apple or a banana for lunch and make sure that you always have some fruits with you to snack on instead of chocolates and cookies. Dried fruits also make a delicious snack. However, try to limit high-calorie fruits like bananas, mangos and avocados. Avocado is also one of the best sources of healthy fat, but it contain a significant amount of calories. Try to eat just one serving of such fruits, preferably in the morning.
13.Healthiest ways of cooking your meals
If you’re used to frozen meals and fast food, it is unlikely you will achieve any weight loss unless you change your eating habits. You don’t need any special cooking skills to prepare fast and healthy delicious meals. All you need to know is what healthy methods of cooking you can choose instead of frying. Healthier methods of cooking require little or no oil. Some methods include roasting, steaming, stir-frying, poaching and stewing. These cooking techniques are easy to learn and to use. Make sure to only use healthy unsaturated oils, such as olive, peanut, canola or sunflower oils. Lots of the above-mentioned cookingmethods can be used for cooking meat, poultry or fish together with vegetables, which makes your food taste heavenly and doesn’t require a lot of cleaning afterwards.
We already know that we need fat for many reasons, but we only need good fat. This is especially important while choosing cooking oil. We should avoid polyunsaturated fats that are harmful when heated. Your best choice is extra virgin olive oil. It’s been known for thousands of years and is the main ingredient of healthy Mediterranean diet. Other useful oils are coconut, canola, avocado and flax seed oil. The best option is to choose from cold-pressed oils made without the use of heat or chemicals. Not all of them are suitable for high heat cooking, but all can be used as salad dressings. All cooking oils are to be kept in a dark place away from heat to preserve their useful qualities.
We already know that we need fat for many reasons, but we only need good fat. This is especially important while choosing cooking oil. We should avoid polyunsaturated fats that are harmful when heated. Your best choice is extra virgin olive oil. It’s been known for thousands of years and is the main ingredient of healthy Mediterranean diet. Other useful oils are coconut, canola, avocado and flax seed oil. The best option is to choose from cold-pressed oils made without the use of heat or chemicals. Not all of them are suitable for high heat cooking, but all can be used as salad dressings. All cooking oils are to be kept in a dark place away from heat to preserve their useful qualities.
15.Counting calories
There’s one simple old rule – to lose weight, you need to eat less calories than you burn. It also says that when you want to gain weight you need to eat more calories than you burn, and this number should be equal to maintain weight. Though you still need to watch your protein, carbs and fat ratioand carefully choose your carbs, counting calories can help you a lot on your weight loss journey. Calorie deficit is the key, but please don’t eat less than 1,500 calories per day – most of the calories you consume are spent to keep you alive and healthy and significant deficit will lead to serious health issues. The average recommended daily calorie intake is 2,700 for men and 2,200 for women. Roughly speaking if you burn 500 more calories than you eat every day, you can lose about 1-2 pounds in a week. There’s a variety of online calculators that can help you carefully track your calories and determine your deficit.
16.Example of a good breakfast
Lots of nutritionists agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After 7-8 hours without food, your body needs fuel. If not, you will most likely overeat later in the day and this could result in weight gain. If you find it difficult to eat a normal breakfast first thing, divide it into 2 parts. The same with morning exercisers – eat some carbs before a workout, and leave the protein part of breakfast for a post-workout meal. Breakfast should contain about 300-400 calories, with 40-55 grams of carbs, 13-20 grams of protein, and 10-15 grams of fat. Also, don’t forget about fiber – eat 6 grams or more, depending on your digestion. Breakfast allows for variety – there are so many delicious breakfast ideas! Good sources of proteinare eggs, dairy products, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are right sources of carbs for breakfast. As for fat, bacon and fatty cheese are to be avoided. Instead, choose avocado, nuts and olive oil. And of course, you can have a cup of black coffee or tea, but without sugar!
People tend to believe lots of things they hear about food and weight loss, but let’s take a critical approach. The first myth associated with weight loss is about eating late in the day. The fact is you can eat any time as long as you eat healthy and count your calories. Overeating duringthe day is as likely to cause weight gain as in the evening. Another common myth is that carbs are bad for you. In fact, you need carbs daily, but you need to carefully select your carbs and avoid bad ones (read more about that in the Carbohydrates section).Another weight loss myth that lots of people unfortunately believe has to do with fasting. Lots and lots of people tend to think that fasting for a day or more will make them lose weight quickly. Not only is it bad for your health as you aren’t getting necessary nutrients, it can also cause weight gain. Your starving body is low on energy and it will begin to crave fatty and sugary products to catch up. One more dangerous thing to believe in is diet pills and other methods that promise weight loss without any pills to get in shape. Healthy food and exercise are the only things that you need.
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