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Showing posts from November, 2018

TRAIN Law - Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion

TRAIN Law -  Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion The Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Act, officially cited as Republic Act No. 10963, is the initial package of the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program (CTRP) signed into law by President Rodrigo Duterte on December 19, 2017. TRAIN consists of revisions to the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, or the Tax Code. This reform includes packages that make changes in taxation concerning the personal income tax (PIT), estate tax, donor's tax, value added tax (VAT), documentary stamp tax (DST) and the excise tax of petroleum products, automobiles, sweetened beverages, cosmetic procedures, coal, mining and tobacco. The Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) is the first package of the comprehensive tax reform program (CTRP) envisioned by President Duterte’s administration, which seeks to to correct a number of deficiencies in the tax system to make it simpler, fairer,...

Perception - General Psychology

SENSATION  activation of receptors located in the eyes, ears, skin, nasal cavities, and tongue PERCEPTION the interpretation and organization of sensation SENSATION AND PERCEPTION Sensory receptors: specialized forms of neurons that are activated by different stimuli such as light and sound “Just noticeable difference”: the point at which a stimulus is detectable half the time it is present IGNORING SENSATIONS Habituation: ignoring a constant stimulus Sensory adaptation: sensory neurons stop responding to constant stimuli TWO TYPES OF PROCESSING INFORMATION Top-down processing: knowledge organizes individual features into a unified whole Bottom-up processing: analysis of smaller feature builds up to a complete perception LIGHT Light: a form of electromagnetic radiation described by wavelength and amplitude Color: determined by the length of the light  waves. Brightness: determined by the ampli...

The Nervous System

Neurons and Nerves Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System Chemical Connection: Endocrine Gland Neuroscience Neuroscience is a branch of the life sciences that deals with the structure and function of neurons , nerves and nervous tissue , especially focusing on their relationship to behavior and learning . Neuron Neurotransmitters   Agonists - chemical substances that mimic or enhance the effects of a neurotransmitter on the receptor sites of the next cell, increasing or decreasing the activity of that cell.    Antagonists - chemical substances that block or reduce a cell’s response to the action of other chemicals or neurotransmitter.               Peripheral Nervous System   Somatic nervous system = sensory pathway + motor pathway  Autonomic nervous system = parasympathetic + sympathetic   ...

Introduction to Economics - Basic Concepts of Economics & Divisions of Economics

Basic Concepts of  Economics Definition of Economics •     Study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and distribute them among different people with various needs •    Study of how individuals within a society generally make choices that involve the use of scarce resources from among alternative wants that need to be satisfied •    Scientific study of the choices made by individuals and societies in regard to the alternative uses of scarce resources which are employed to satisfy wants and needs Scarcity •    The limited nature of society’s resource •    An economic condition wherein there is no enough resources to satisfy all the demands of the people Opportunity Costs •    The value of the good or service foregone •    The value of the next best choice that you give up when you make an economic/rational decision There ...